Sunday, February 16, 2014

Final Business Plan Thoughts

As one journey comes to an end, a new journey begins. Over the past year it has been a ride of ups and downs, yet persistence is what has endured. And it will be persistence that will help me forge ahead in the new journey that lies before me. However, the end is not yet done on this current journey.

The final chapter will close with thoughtful insight and the understanding of how to successfully write and execute a business plan, in order to run and operate a successful business. I’ve shared the advice of experts on how to achieve this, and the key factors a business plan should include to be successful. Whether seeking investor funds, or just looking for a roadmap on how to get started, these key components and more are needed to reach any company’s goal. 

Here is a list of the key components a business plan should have:
  • ·      Company Description
  • ·      Industry Analysis and Trends
  • ·      Target Market
  • ·      Competition Overview
  • ·      Marketing Plan
  • ·      Operations and Management
  • ·      Financials Overview

There are numerous resources available for business owners to aid in building out the plan. For example Bplans is great online resource filled with tools and tips on successful business writing plans. In finalizing my business plan, Bplans was a great tool to get guidance and examples on how to put the final draft document together. For more information, please visit . Another great online resource is  This website tool provides articles and links to business plan software for purchase or download.

The past few weeks have been arduous in preparing and finalizing my business plan. The enormity of information needed to properly create a business plan takes time, diligent research, and a clear understanding of your product or service being offered. The biggest factor is knowing your business. If you do not have a clear understanding of your business, it will prove difficult to get investors or others involved with the business. Know your business, and others will know it to.

Thanks for reading and following this journey. Hope you come along on the new one that lies ahead!

With appreciation,

